
GoddessBracelet-JustlikeinGhouls'NGhosts,ArthurmustgobackthroughthegameagainbeforehecanfightSardius-thistimetofindtheGoddess ...,TheGoddess'Bracelet(女神の腕輪),alsoknownasthePrincess'Bracelet(プリンセスの腕輪),isthemostpowerfulweaponinSuperGhouls'nGhosts.,2009年11月14日—GettheCrossbowinthelaststage,makesureyoudon'tgethitbyanything(speciallyRedArremerAce),andbeforeyoufightthebirdheads, ...,202...

Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts

Goddess Bracelet - Just like in Ghouls 'N Ghosts, Arthur must go back through the game again before he can fight Sardius - this time to find the Goddess ...

Goddess' Bracelet | Ghosts 'n Goblins Wiki

The Goddess' Bracelet (女神の腕輪), also known as the Princess' Bracelet (プリンセスの腕輪), is the most powerful weapon in Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts.

Bracelet - Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts

2009年11月14日 — Get the Crossbow in the last stage, make sure you don't get hit by anything (specially Red Arremer Ace), and before you fight the bird heads, ...

Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts (Game)

2022年2月11日 — Goddess' Bracelet - Only available on the second playthrough, this special weapon can be obtained by opening certain chests while wearing the ...

Where is the bracelet thing?

2004年2月19日 — Who knows where the bracelet is that the princess tells you to get? also, how do u get gold armor?

Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts Weapons and Items

Goddess' Bracelet, None, This is the only weapon that can kill Sardius. After wearing Super Magic Armor, Arthur may open a treasure chest and find the fairy ...